About Us

SyaeZ excels in Multimedia Design which includes of film making, video editing as well as interactive media. Rimsky on the other hand has passion for Game Design, which consists of 2D art as well as 3D modeling and animation. Together we are looking forward to collaborating with each other and embarking on our own mini-projects. More to come...


All content on this website are copyright of SyaeZ and Rimsky, unless otherwise stated.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Some Comic Strips

By: Rimsky

The following are some comic strips I created earlier this year. That was when I fell in love with this girl in my class.
Having no experience with girls before then and my poor charisma, I naturally attempted to impress her with gifts and asking her out for movies. (Which was quite the opposite from my personality, and I think she noticed too when I didn't know how to react.)
Though she had never felt the same way toward me for what I have done, I still think she's a fine girl who deserves to be treated with great respect and lots of love.
The following is the cover for the comic strips with characters based on both of us:
 Cin & I Cover Page
This is the first comic strip of the series titled What If?
What If?
Below, a World of Warcraft comic strip I created for Blizzard's Comic Contest. Still, I do not quite understand why they would allow Tauren to become Paladins instead of the Undead Forsaken on their upcoming expansion, Cataclysm. But, oh well...
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Wacom Bamboo

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