About Us

SyaeZ excels in Multimedia Design which includes of film making, video editing as well as interactive media. Rimsky on the other hand has passion for Game Design, which consists of 2D art as well as 3D modeling and animation. Together we are looking forward to collaborating with each other and embarking on our own mini-projects. More to come...


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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Digital Matte Painting: Castle

By: Rimsky

Welcome to my first ever attempt at digital matte painting. This is an improvisation of my school exercise on Environment Visualization.
I don't have an exact name for it as of yet so I'll just call it Castle. Total time spent on this painting is 115 minutes. As this is the first time I'm trying to do a matte painting, I didn't want to kill myself with all the tiny details as seen in work from the professionals. Therefore seriously speaking, this picture below should still have been categorized under concept art.

The ruins was designed to be the once beautiful homeland of the White Knight. I'll fill you in on what happened to its inhabitants as I progress further into this module.
For the castle, it was originally built in the midst of a dense forest, on top of the sturdiest rocks found by man back then in the region. There was a river passing through the forest nearby and the soil around its floodplains was extremely fertile. Soon the population was expanding. Trees were cut down to make way for farms. People's lives are greatly improving. Nobody seemed to give a second thought. It was not until many years later that nature finally struck back. Due to massive deforestation over the decades, the soft soil in the region was becoming increasingly eroded  by the fast-flowing river. This happened so quickly one night in a huge thunderstorm. Everything that the gushing water could take away were taken leaving behind exactly what is shown in the picture above. The remaining population were then disconnected from the outside world.

Below shows how I began my painting as well as the original painting before adding layers for effects:
Completed Painting w/o Effects
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Wacom Bamboo

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