About Us

SyaeZ excels in Multimedia Design which includes of film making, video editing as well as interactive media. Rimsky on the other hand has passion for Game Design, which consists of 2D art as well as 3D modeling and animation. Together we are looking forward to collaborating with each other and embarking on our own mini-projects. More to come...


All content on this website are copyright of SyaeZ and Rimsky, unless otherwise stated.

All users of this website are reminded that any redistribution or copying of copyrighted material requires the permission of the respective copyright owner.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Digital Matte Painting: Frozen Falls (Concept)

By: Rimsky

A quick touch up to the original concept sketch. Increased the level of detail to the image as well as the lighting.
Below, I attempted to give a more epic feel to the scene by dropping the brightness to push contrast.
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Wacom Bamboo

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Digital Matte Painting: Frozen Falls (Sketch)

By: Rimsky

Above, the concept art for my first assignment on digital matte painting. Not much, just a sunrise over the horizon of a lake with the majestic waterfalls frozen completely solid. Well, if you're wondering it took me just over an hour's time to conjure up this image.

Tools used: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Wacom Bamboo

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Digital Matte Painting: Cityscape

By: Rimsky

Just had my first lesson on digital matte painting today (Well, technically yesterday). Thus above, my second attempt done during class time as a small exercise for the tutor to get a rough idea of our standards in photoshop. I'm pretty excited about it right now and I'm determined to do a much better job for my assignments to come. So far I've been having much interest in becoming a 2D concept artist, 3D modeler, texture painter, visual effects artist as well as digital matte painter. Oh, and I'm also looking forward to learning how to properly rig 3D models along with a bit of animation.
I really hope I can become good at this someday. My greatest desire!
A big thank you to all my lecturers and tutors in advance!

Tools used: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Wacom Bamboo

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Digital Matte Painting: Castle (Enhanced)

By: Rimsky
Spent 4 hours today on enhancing my digital matte painting giving it a more believable, realistic look.

Tools used: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Wacom Bamboo

Digital Matte Painting: Castle

By: Rimsky

Welcome to my first ever attempt at digital matte painting. This is an improvisation of my school exercise on Environment Visualization.
I don't have an exact name for it as of yet so I'll just call it Castle. Total time spent on this painting is 115 minutes. As this is the first time I'm trying to do a matte painting, I didn't want to kill myself with all the tiny details as seen in work from the professionals. Therefore seriously speaking, this picture below should still have been categorized under concept art.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Some Comic Strips

By: Rimsky

The following are some comic strips I created earlier this year. That was when I fell in love with this girl in my class.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Digital Painting: White Knight

By: Rimsky

This had been what I have always wanted to be: A lone courageous warrior with his trusted steed on a crusade to find the meaning of life.
He fights for what is right, believes in no god or others, only in himself. White here represents superiority and righteousness. A trustworthy companion is one just like the special people who have sacrificed their time and effort to assist him at times when he needed it most. He will be ever grateful towards them and shall return the favor on a later date.
The characters are cast in a desert environment under harsh, direct sunlight causing overexposure. First (failed) attempt to create a lens flare effect via painting as the lens flare tool from photoshop isn't working out too well for this scene.
The image below shows how I initially start off my digital paintings: A quick draft and creating a palette consisting of the base colors which I intend to use. The draft serves as an important guideline so even if you need to make alterations in the process, you wouldn't veer too far off course.
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Wacom Bamboo

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Digital Painting: Appearances

By: Rimsky

Like they all say, a picture tells a thousand words. Just a thousand. Not any more, not any less.
This image here breaks down the word appearance: Deception, Confusion, Beauty, Style, Simplicity, Nature, Complexion, You.
Well, it doesn't quite make up a thousand but you'll get what I mean. Happy hunting!

Tools used: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Wacom Bamboo

Friday, October 15, 2010

Digital Painting: Colossus

By: Rimsky

Any statue that is exceptionally large in size can be known as a colossus.
However, this one has been animated and is making its way across the stormy sea.
Tools used: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Wacom Bamboo

Digital Painting: Efreet

By: Rimsky

An Efreet, otherwise known as afreet or ifrit, is a type of supernatural creature which belongs in the Arabic and Islamic religions. They are called upon as infernal spirits that attribute to fire and are often noted for their ruthlessness and cunning.

Tools used: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Wacom Bamboo

Some Video's I Made


Well, here are some of the video's i made for my school projects as well as for competitions.

My Latest Work : Starcraft 2 - Collector's Edition Fanmade Commercial

Multimedia Video Project : Phenomenal Trailer

Road Safety Competition Video

Last but not least : Singapore NDP Video Contest

New Background Image

By: Rimsky

A 2 hour digital painting session of our common astrological sign Scorpio.

Tools used: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Wacom Bamboo

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Studio Project 3

By: Rimsky

These are the 2 characters I designed, modeled and textured over the 3 weeks school project.

My Flash Webpage


First Post!!!
A Basic Webpage for my IAD Module Assignment 01